Jesus, Love, Family, Happy Life, Linux, Cloud, SRE, DevOps Engineer, FinOps, System Engineer, Problem Solver
docker · outline Running docker desktop on local mac machine, it can be harsh and too heavy for local machine. alternative “obrstack” can be...
AWS/EKS · outline The initial password for ArgoCD installed on k8s is generated randomly. how-to kubectl -n <argocd-namespace> get secret...
AWS/EKS · outline Checking the available add-on list and version according to eks cluster version and add-on version script # List of specific...
AWS/EKS · outline How to check container runtime of k8s worker node using kubectl command script kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range...
AWS/EKS · outline When you are trying to delete namespace of k8s, the status may become stuck in terminating, occasionally because of “finalizer” of...
AWS/Security · outline Using AWS CLI under MFA, you need session token and temporary AWS Access key and Secret key. how-to # aws sts...