access control for aws resources and server(IP Based ACL)



1 min read

  • outline

On Cloud environment, ip based ACL is common way for security.

  1. WAF

Pros. : Various policy and features.
Con. : Paid, Only ALB or CLB.

  1. Network ACL, VPC and Subnet

Pros. : Free, easy to set up and intuitive.
Cons. : Designing VPCs and Subnets are based on ENV, IP limitation.

  1. Security Group

Pros. : ACL for almost all AWS Services.
Con. : hassle to config
Note : Recently, NLB starts using Securty Group.

  1. CloudFront can access contol by country. (allow or deny)

Pros. : Free, easy to set up.
Con. : Only for CloudFront and only by country.

  • note

Unspecified access attempts from abroad can be blocked from these four actions.