Cloudformation Stack ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx ECS-Console-V2-Cluster-xxxxxxxx

Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Cloudformation Stack ECS-Console-V2-Service-xxxxxxxx ECS-Console-V2-Cluster-xxxxxxxx

AWS/Amazon Elastic Container Service

- 개요

AWS console에서 ECS관련 리소스 생성할 경우 cloudformation에 동일한 stack이 생성된다.

- Document

AWS CloudFormation stacks
The following behavior applies to task definitions created in the new console before January 12, 2023.
When you create a task definition, the Amazon ECS console automatically creates a CloudFormation stack that has a name that begins with "ECS-Console-V2-TaskDefinition-". 
If you used the AWS CLI or SDK to deregister the task definition, then you must manually delete the task definition stack. For more information, see Deleting a Stack in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
Task definitions created after January 12, 2023 will not have a CloudFormation stack automatically created.

- Reference

- 이슈

Cloudformation Stack을 생각 없이 지울 경우 기존 리소스 삭제가 될수 있으므로 주의 요함.

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